Mankind and the Blue Planet are embarked, since a few last years, on experiencing episodes of almost Mass-Extinction. Droughts, heat waves, water shortages, barren soils, food insecurity, air pollution, fires, ice melting, sea level rise, ocean ecological imbalance, cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, storm surges, floods, mudslides, landslides, sink holes, hailstorms, lightning, earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, losses of lives and livelihoods, economic losses, unemployment/losses of jobs, abject poverty, outbreak of deadly diseases, etc. repetitively show Warning Signs of utter devastations world-wide.

Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID 19), natural and/or man-made, has already rung the Alarum bell on Mass-Extinction of Human Species, since November 2019. Medical Scientists have Predicted the number of human death to reach about 60 million, according to international reporters.

WHO ‘Weekly Epidemiological Update 31 August 2021’:

‘The cumulative number of cases reported globally is now nearly 216 million and the cumulative number of deaths is just under 4.5 million…Globally, cases of the Alpha variant have been reported in 193 countries (one new country since last week), territories or areas (hereafter countries), while 141 countries (no new countries) have reported cases of the Beta variant; 91 countries (five new countries) have reported cases of the Gamma variant; and 170 countries (seven new countries) have reported cases of the Delta variant.

[[[Brazzaville/Conakry, 9 August 2021 – Health authorities in Guinea today confirmed a case of Marburg virus disease in the southern Gueckedou prefecture. This is the first time Marburg, a highly infectious disease that causes haemorrhagic fever, has been identified in the country, and in West Africa.

Marburg, which is in the same family as the virus that causes Ebola, was detected less than two months after Guinea declared an end to an Ebola outbreak that erupted earlier this year. Samples taken from a now-deceased patient and tested by a field laboratory in Gueckedou as well as Guinea’s national haemorrhagic fever laboratory turned out positive for the Marburg virus. Further analysis by the Institut Pasteur in Senegal confirmed the result.]]]

On one side, Almighty Nature has unveiled almost all types miseries highly likely to take place from the atmosphere, land, underground and ocean. On the other side Man-made sufferings are rampant everywhere: organized crimes, terrorism, poverty, armed attacks, sex exploitations, unexplained wealth, unemployment and loss of jobs, livelihood, etc…

The Human Intelligence, on the other side, is growing poorly, inefficiently and stagnating except on a few items.

NASA: {{{While one science instrument mapped the dome of high pressure that settled over the southwestern U.S. in early July, another captured ground surface temperatures.

Just weeks after the Pacific Northwest endured record-shattering temperatures, another heat wave scorched the U.S. Southwest. This heat wave, which started around July 7, tied or broke several all-time records in California, Nevada, northern Arizona, and southern Utah.

Two instruments – NASA’s Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard the Aqua satellite, and the agency’s ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) – tracked the heat wave, providing visualizations of it.

The AIRS instrument captured the progression of a slow-moving heat dome across the southwestern U.S from July 1 to July 12. The animation of the AIRS data (above) shows surface air temperature anomalies – values above or below long-term averages. The hottest areas, shown in pink, experienced surface air temperatures more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit (5.6 degrees Celsius) above average. Surface air temperature is something that people directly feel when they are outside.

On July 8, NASA’s ECOSTRESS instrument, attached to the International Space Station, captured ground surface temperature data over California. In the image (middle image), areas in red – including Death Valley – had surpassed 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) by 7 a.m. local time, well above average ground surface temperatures for the area.

On July 9, Death Valley recorded a high air temperature of  130 F, which fell just a few degrees short of the official all-time surface air temperature record of 134 F set in 1913. On July 11, Bishop, California, hit an all-time high of 111 F and Stovepipe Wells, California, set a new record for daily average temperature with 118 F. Numerous other daily, monthly, and all-time records were set throughout the inland areas of central and Southern California and northern Arizona.}}}

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International Space Station,

PKANHYE.     Uploaded: 10.56 am TUESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2021.

Satellite Animation